Monday, 20 January 2014

Basic Tips for Clear Skin

Basic Tips for Clear Skin

Along with pampering your skin with natural home remedies, there are some other things you can do to help eliminate the resurgence of acne, help heal stubborn scars, and achieve blemish free and glowing skin.  You can get healthier, younger looking skin with just a few daily routine adjustments.  Here are some tips on how to get clear skin.  Read on!

Eating a Healthy Diet Can Clear Your Skin

You are what you eat.  Yes, that phrase may sound redundant, but there�s truth in it!  Did you know, your skin is an organ?  Yes, a living, breathing organ.  And, just like with all your other organs, your skin is also affected by what you eat.  So, what should you eat to get clearer skin?  First and foremost, water.  Water is what rids your body of its toxins and we are about 60 percent the natural clear stuff, so it only makes sense that drinking more water helps your skin clear up quicker.  Focus on greens and foods that help promote elasticity like fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, and fatty fish.

Remove Makeup Before Going To Bed

A very basic rule: Remove your makeup before you go to bed!  You have no idea how many times I am guilty of not removing my makeup before I go to bed � only to wake up to disastrous results the next morning: a very unwelcome pimple on my cheek.  Nighttime is when your body starts to relax and rejuvenate itself.  If your skin is washed, it will allow your pores to breathe and help prevent buildup and clogging of your pores which leads to acne.  

Use a Toner for Clear Skin

Use a toner after you wash your face.  There are a couple of reasons for this.  1) a toner helps balance the pH level of your skin.  Why is this important?  Our skin is supposed to be slightly acidic.  This is because of our skin�s outer layer which works with sebaceous (oil producing) glands to maintain this level of around 5-6. 2) Toner is an astringent, which closes your pores after you wash your face.  This is important to happen otherwise, your pores may stay open and get clogged by moisturizer or other free radicals in the air.

Stay Away From the Sun

Staying away from the sun is one of the easiest habits you can start adopting now to prevent early aging and fine lines and wrinkles on your skin.  I know how hard this can be (especially being from Southern California!), so if you have to absolutely spend time in the sun to get somewhere, or for an event, make sure you try to stay in the shade as much as possible, use sunscreen and cover up as best and lightly as you can.  If you are the tanning type (like I used to be) and you just need that lovely warm tan glow, there is a home remedy you can use to get some color on your body.

Exercising Helps Clear Your Skin

Exercising helps increase blood flow, which in turn can increase the glow in your face.  It also helps you lose water retention which helps lower swelling in your face and body.  Thirty minutes of cardio a day should be more than enough to start with.  Walking is the best way to get this exercise if you are worried about not having a gym membership.

These are some basic tips on how to get clear skin.  Start following them and you should see a difference in your facial skin dramatically within a few weeks. 

Note: Before following any diet or regimen make sure to see a doctor first.


Other Home Remedies:

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Green Tea and Honey Mask for Acne

Green Tea Teabags for Acne

If you have been to a skin store recently you may have noticed an increase in the amount of green tea in skin care products.  There is a reason for that: green tea contains polyphenols which help protect your skin against cancer by protecting against sun damage.  It does this by reducing inflammation and free radicals (everyday toxins, dirt, and dust in the air) from your skin.  While more studies are needed to conclusively say that green tea helps with the anti-aging process, there is clinical evidence that suggests this natural leaf helps with the elasticity of skin.  Not bad for a chemical and side effect-free remedy for skin!  By the way, drinking it daily can also yield similar health benefits for your body and skin.

So, I�ve discussed why green tea may be awesome for your skin.  What about honey?  As I�ve discussed before, there are many benefits of using honey on your skin.  It naturally has moisture retention properties, which is great for people with dry skin.  Honey also has anti-bacterial and anti-septic properties.  This helps remove the acne causing bacteria from your skin and helps prevent and heal small scars.  You�re probably wondering what type of honey to buy.  After all, there are many varieties.  The kind you should look for is called manuka honey�I�ve discussed the benefits.  If you don�t have manuka honey, any organic honey will do.

Combined with green tea, this home remedy for acne acts as a one, two punch for removing acne, brightening your skin, and helping protect against cancer.  Read on to find out how to make the green tea and honey mask for acne.

What you need:

Green tea 1-2 teabags

Honey 1-2 tablespoons

What you do:

Step 1: Steep the green tea bag in hot water for a minute to two minutes.

Step 2: After it has been satisfactorily steeped, get a bowl and cut open the tea bag to let the tea leaves fall out.

Step 3: Mix the honey in to the bowl of green tea leaves and mix together to form a paste with a fork or spoon.

Step 4: Using your clean fingertips, massage the sticky paste over your face until all areas of are covered.  Be careful to stay away from your eye area!

Step 5: Keep this on for 20-30 minutes and then rinse off with warm water.

Make sure you use a toner to close up your pores after you are done washing your face.  Moisturize as usual.

You can use this mask once to twice a week, depending on the state of your skin.  After this, you can look forward to smoother, tighter, and healthier skin!  Enjoy!

Other home remedies:

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Home Remedies for Oily Skin Using Cucumber

Home Remedies for Oily Skin Using Cucumber

Many (more than we�d like to admit) struggle with very oily skin.  The oil seems to just manufacture itself out of nowhere, and then ends up clogging our already struggling pores.  The truth is, it is important for oil to be produced and this process is done through oil (sebaceous) glands in our skin, and this is used to keep your skin moisturized.  Some people are more �well moisturized� than others, so for those of you who are, keep on reading!

How do you know if you have oily skin?  If your face is consistently shiny, then you most likely have oily skin.  Many things can cause oily skin.  It can be hereditary, so if your parents have it, you most likely do too; and, it can be hormonal as well.  For girls, during the menstruation period, the sebaceous glands can tend to product more oil thus making your more likely to clog your pores during your menses, causing acne.  Unfortunately, there�s not much that can be done to stop the over production of oil, but you can control it with simple DIY home remedies for oily skin.

Did you know? Having oily skin can be an annoyance at times, but in the long run you will reap the benefits because the oil has helped keep your skin moisturized throughout the years�and naturally, too!  The only downside is, the oil clogs skin�s pores, causing blockages which in turn causes a buildup of bacteria and what we know as a zit (or pimple).

Read more about what ingredients work really well and how to use them to work for you.

Cucumbers are known to be very rich in Vitamins E & A especially and have been used for under eye puffiness relief as they vitamins and minerals (potassium and magnesium included) help sooth your skin.  This is because both skin and cucumber share the same levels of hydrogen which leaves your skin supple and smooth.  Another very great characteristic of cucumbers is their ability to improve your complexion by helping fade dark scars.  I�ll take those �side effects� any day!

What you need:

Cucumber � 1 to 2 depending on size

What you do:

Take the cucumber, peel the skin off with a peeler carefully, and slice the cucumber thinly.  If you are happy with relaxing and laying down with slices on your face, then keep the slices thin.  If you opt for a more interactive experience, slice the cucumber thickly.  This is to ensure a good grip when you use the slice to rub it slowly rub it over your face.  Once you are done, rinse off with warm water.  Use a toner (to close your pores so they don�t clog up) and then moisturize as usual.

You can use this home remedy for oily skin up to twice a week depending on how much shine/oil control is needed.

Remember, drinking lots of water helps your body rid itself of toxins.  While you�re using home remedies, and otherwise, make sure you get plenty of water so that your skin cells can constantly be rejuvenated.  We are, after all, almost 80% water!
Other Home Remedies for Skin:

Monday, 13 January 2014

Honey & Olive Oil for Silky Hair

Honey & Olive Oil for Silky Hair

Honey has many healing properties and is actually used as a natural healing home remedy for ulcers, sores, and wounds.  It naturally retains moisture, and when used on hair, honey can help dry, brittle strands from losing more.

Olive oil is widely known to have conditioning and moisturizing properties.  It is used often in the East to help heal dry skin and maintain healthy hair.  When combined together, honey and olive oil offer protection against free radicals in the air, and offer a natural way to condition your hair for healthier, and in turn, shinier locks.

What You Need:

Olive Oil - 2-3 tablespoons depending on length of hair
Honey - 1-2 tablespoons depending on length of hair


In a bowl, mix the olive oil and honey together using a spoon, or your hands.  Make sure your hair is free of any other product so that they mixture can adhere to hair strands properly.  Massage your the mixture into your hair and scalp using your fingertips.  If needed, you can add more olive oil and honey to cover all your hair.

TIP: Separate your hair into sections so that it's easier for you to apply.

Leave the mixture on for about 15-30 minutes.

Wash your hair as usual.  You will most likely not need to use conditioner as your hair will feel silky smooth!  This home remedy is safe to use on your hair weekly and if your hair is really dry, bi-weekly. 

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